Dirt Bags

Dirt Bags

Dirt Bags

F.C. Shultz

Up, up—
from the wild
and waste.

Made animate
by the first kiss
of creation.

Dust and bone
imaged in the
divine plurals.

Designed to share
sovereignty over
the garden variety.

Yet discontent
with the design,
we decline.

Dirt bags, we
descend, again
and again.

Down, down—
plodding around pleading
for the snake crusher.

F.C. Shultz
Author & Poet

Shultz has published three middle-grade books and his debut poetry collection, An Honest Life is Immortal, was recently published by Pub Hound Press. Schultz’s stories and poems have been published in Every Day Fiction, The Showbear Family Circus, and The Joplin Toad.

Photography by Philipp Pilz