Reviving the Christian Imagination

Calogero Agro


Ekstasis Ambassador


In Association with Christianity Today

We are nurturing the future generation of Christian writers and creatives—and we want you to be a part of it.

Ekstasis is a digital cathedral of sorts, helping a generation of Christians admire beauty and tune their spiritual and artistic affections. The Ekstasis Ambassador Program exists to create opportunities for students and graduates across the nation and across disciplines/majors to be directly involved with Ekstasis, a national publication that is a branch of Christianity Today to deal with ideas, literature, and culture.

The Ekstasis Ambassador is a robust (but undemanding) professional opportunity that will provide you with privileged network connections within Ekstasis and Christianity Today, opportunities to speak with leading Christian authors, a direct line of publication to the magazine, invitations to exclusive writing workshops, brainstorming support, opportunities for one-on-one writing coaching, opportunities to take part in virtual and in-person events, public recognition via Ekstasis’s website, and exclusive Ekstasis Ambassador merchandise/free copies of our print editions.

All current college (or graduate) students are eligible for the program. Additionally, any adults with relevant career (or personal) experiences are encouraged to apply.

Ekstasis Ambassador Role Includes:

  • Access to exclusive training and community events
    to build your skills and network

  • Hosting an author or artist on your campus
    (Ekstasis staff can support you in this effort)

  • Collaborating to hold an Ekstasis Cafe at a local
    coffee shop or bookstore

  • Pitching, drafting, and potentially publishing a commissioned piece with Ekstasis (If desired)

  • Encouraging other students on your campus
    to consider writing for Ekstasis

  • Directing Ekstasis staff to the contact information of relevant persons, campus ministries, book stores on your campus that could supply copies of Ekstasis Print Editions

  • Encouraging other students on your campus to consider serving alongside you as an ambassador, forming an Ekstasis Ambassador Club on your campus (can be in coordination with a campus ministry or independently organized)