One Thing

One Thing

One Thing

Lfj Gill

The other day while fixing lunch
I was watching an old movie
out of the corner of my eye
(The Corn is Green I think it was)
when I had the stray thought
Thank God this history of man is on its last page
—something like that

Later on, driving to town with my son
I saw the intricate extrusions of whole civilizations
for the thin leaf of gold they are—ours with its
laws and systems and circuit boards and stop signs—
endlessly dictating identities no one can own

Saw them all borne away on the wind
leaving nothing but the one thing standing

I said aloud to my son
“Only God is real—
everything else goes away.”

He couldn’t believe it
so familiar, so steadfast
the icons of our imaginations

Lfj Gill

Writer, Artist, & Contemplative

Lfj writes poetry, fiction & essays, occasionally supplemented with visual works (photography, paintings/drawings, digital media)—all with the aim of pursuing, and enticing others to pursue, the arc of the soul from the flesh to the Spirit. Lfj’s collected poems, When the Pebbles Sparkle, is published on Amazon.

Photography by Dorrell Tibbs