Ekstasis Magazine2 Comments

How Can You Laugh at a Time Like This?

Ekstasis Magazine2 Comments
How Can You Laugh at a Time Like This?

How Can You Laugh at a Time Like This?

Tommy Welty

What’s the use? Hope’s little feathers flutter
and for what? Why? Not again, I say,
not if the sky will tear, or time stutter,
the red rivers rise and fields become clay,
not if we’re caught up with some trumpet blare.
What’s left to adjust as the day draws near?
I read the sign I’m looking for declare
truth I’m sure I knew: Love what you will here.
When’s the last time anyone saw a bee?
Who gets to pick the last flower that bloomed?
What point is there not sinking in the sea?
I’m scared too. Hold my hand and share the wound.
Yes, child, yes. Never let go. Look! Son,
can you see islands on the horizon?

Tommy Welty
Poet & Pastor

Tommy is a poet and pastor in Southern California. He lives there with his wife, Alyssa, and two children, Atticus and Gwen. His writing and poetry has been featured at Christ and Pop Culture, The Curator, Rock & Sling, and on NPR’s All Things Considered. Follow him on Twitter @tommywelty.

Photography by Merton Wu