The End is Nigh

The End is Nigh

The End is Nigh

Ryan Diaz

The end is nigh, read the sign,
Apocalyptic doom scrawled
Across a scrap of cardboard.
But the seminarian 
Paid it no mind. Assured of
His eternal reward he
Crossed the street without thinking
And walked right into the path
Of an oncoming hearse.
The end is nigh, read the sign.
And in his last moments,
Before his last rites, he resolved
To become the patron saint 
Of warningsโ€” cardboard signs and 
Traffic lights alike. 

Ryan Diaz
Poet & Theologian

Ryan is a poet, writer, and theologian from Queens, NY. He is working on a poetry collection with Wipf & Stock entitled For Those Wandering Along the Way which is due to be released in the near future.

Photography by Jan Antonin Kolar