Mountains Make Me Think

Mountains Make Me Think

Mountains Make Me Think
Rochelle Watt

Lord, Have You made anything
More majestic than a mountain?

The most grandiose of Your creations;
I’m reminded of how small I am 

Towering so brilliantly above me,
With peaks that cradle the sky and kiss the heavens. 

I envy the mountains because of how close they dance to the sun.
I long for the day I can dance with the Son. 

Maybe that’s why
Mountains make me think of You.

Playing peek-a-boo with a mountain
Reminds me of people who have so much more to offer than they show.

Thick clouds wrap their droplets around a mountain’s peak,
Hiding its true potential. 

Only when the clouds roll away
Do you see the ice-capped crown adorning this colossal creation. 

Heavy fog at dawn makes you think
There’s nothing noteworthy on the horizon. 

But on a thick sheet of grey
I can faintly make out God’s brushstrokes of a rocky skyline

And my patient determination
Is no match against time. I’ll wait.

Until the weight of the fog is lifted;
Pride shifted to vulnerability.

Until there’s nothing standing
Between mountain and me;

And I can see every perfect crevice
Of imperfection and still call it beautiful. 

Maybe that’s why
Mountains make me think of you.

Can God really move mountains?
“It’s awfully lofty”, I whisper softly

As if I’ve forgotten
That He rained manna from the heavens, 

And turned water into wine.
He made the sun stand still; split the red sea;

And I still see what I’ve read about
Metaphorically all around me. 

Dry bones may not live
But I’ve seen Him breathe life into dead situations.

Maybe that’s why
Mountains make me think of us.

Rochelle Watt

Photography by Zeus Ramirez