Metaphysics Suite

Metaphysics Suite

Metaphysics Suite

S.T. Brant

i. On How Full the Abyss is

Let the universe amass in tetragrammatons and archons and seas and leaves and hells,
Muses, flowers, weeds, and birds, gods, caprice, and Lethes, Edens.
There’s no Chaos in our life but when it leaves us-
We are abyss’d without Abyss. 

ii. On Singing Life from Dust

When silence recalls it being sound and longs, that is art.
The song of life goes long and lulls me grave;
What blooms are these, rampant among the herbs? Shhhh, sing, Love.
Her windy song collides my heart. It dusts; it seeds the universe: Adam up from dust.

iii. On God

God has so little to do with god
That all is said but God
When saying god…
A wheel of gods gives no certainty of god. 

iv. On Becoming Twilight

A glass of light’s been tipped;
A spill of across the sky of light;
The light’s wiped- yet stains;
The stain ebbs, still liquid. 

v. On Oblivion

Instances of Natural Oblivion:
What’s not Natural stemmed from God?
God and Nature bifurcate the Will. Simultaneously begot, rigid Gemini,
To bigamy Event and labor with it antagonistic Facts.

vi. On the Abyss as Plenty

Let the Universe amass in tetragrammatons and archons, seas, leaves, hells,
Muses, flowers, weeds, birds and gods, Caprice, and Lethes, Eden.
There is no Chaos in our lives but when it leaves us.
We are abyss’d without Abyss. 

S.T. Brant
Poet & Teacher

S. T. Brant is a teacher from Las Vegas and has been published in Santa Clara Review, Rain Taxi, Green Mountains Review, Another Chicago Magazine and La Piccioletta Barca

Photography by Jack Harding